

Is soapstone easy to scratch?

Many varieties of soapstone will scratch. However, because of the extreme density of this material, scratches rarely will penetrate the surface – meaning they can easily be made invisible with a small dot of mineral oil.

What if I get a deep scratch on the countertops?

Soapstone is easily restored to a smooth state with the use of 220 and 120 sandpaper, then applying oil.

I understand that marble and some stones will “etch.” Is this a problem with soapstone?

No. Soapstone is impenetrable and non-porous, so it will not stain or etch as other stones do.

Slate and Wood Countertops

Care and Maintenance

Do I need to seal my soapstone counters like granite or marble?

No. Soapstone is impervious, and therefore, no sealant is needed.

Is soapstone difficult to clean?

Because of its honed finish, soapstone is simple to clean. Any mild dish detergent is recommended. Harsh cleaners will not harm the stone, however, may take off the oil (re-oiling may be needed).

How often do I have to oil the counters?

It will vary. However, generally once a month for the first 6 months. Soapstone will stay darkened (patina), unless a harsh cleaning chemical is applied. If this occurs, reapply your soapstone oil and the soapstone will return to it’s darkened apperance.

Can I put hot pots and pans directly onto the countertop?

Yes, because of its non-porous, heat resistant properties, hot pans can be placed directly on the counter without harm. Soapstone’s thermal properties prevent degradation from high heat.


Do I need an appointment?

Yes. We ask that our clients email or call us in advance to schedule an appointment at our showroom. We are a small business, and sometimes close when we’re out on templates or installs. We want to make sure we have the time available to address all of our client’s needs and questions.
