
Tips For Getting the Most Out of Your Summer Garden

Because all your plants or vegetables are growing, summer may be quieter for gardeners than spring or fall, despite the need for cleanup. While now is not the time for large-scale planting projects, it is the time for routine upkeep, particularly jobs that pay off in the long run.

You can create a garden that your neighbors will envy with the correct tools and knowledge. You can make caring for your yard seem effortless, from the blossoming flowers even in the thick heat of summer to that perfect, green lawn that defies all expectations.

Water At the Right Time, At the Right Amount

Most gardeners will know that the best time of day to water your plants is in the morning, perhaps even before the sun has fully risen and the heat has begun to rise. If you water your garden in the afternoon, provide enough time for the foliage to dry out before sundown so that mildew or fungi don’t have a chance to take advantage of the damp. You can use an anti-mildew spray on plants, and while this will not undo mildew damage, it can assist you in preventing it in the future.

Stock Up on Tools

Summer is a great time to look for deals on gardening equipment. If your garden shed simply has a lawnmower, now is the chance to expand your collection. Garden spades, shovels, gardening gloves, rakes, trowels, and garden forks are necessary tools for any lawn. After covering the essentials, you can add additional accessories, such as watering cans, specific hoses, and hand tools.

Check The Temperature of Your Pots

Potted plants, particularly those in terracotta pots, are prone to overheating. Mulch sparingly and keep them out of direct sunlight if possible. It’s important to remember that putting potted plants in saucers of water encourages mosquito breeding and root damage. Instead, keep them moist by placing them on saucers filled with dirt, which keeps the plants healthy and the roots cold. If your potted plants have become too dry to rehydrate, immerse them in a bucket of water for half an hour and then drain.

Weeding Routine

Weeding and thinning out roots should be on your priority list, along with pruning and deadheading. Plants cannot thrive if crowded out, and weeds are tough competitors. So pull any weeds that have overtaken your garden for a half-hour each morning while it is still chilly, or at least not hot, outside. You can go for the more significant weeds first and work your way down to the more minor offenders, or you can take on the task row by row. If you stay at it, ultimately, there will be few or no weeds left, and you’ll be able to keep up with freshly developing ones with ease.

Importance of Deadheading

Deadheading is similar to pruning; however, you merely remove spent blossoms instead of pruning dormant branches. The plant can resume flowering once these spent buds have stopped absorbing energy. You can deadhead annuals and blooming shrubs year-round with a tiny pair of garden shears. Doing this in the summer helps encourage growth and prevents these spent blossoms from continuing to pull on the resources you are giving to the plant itself.

Harvest Often

Harvesting will encourage your plants to bloom and provide fruit. Beans, in particular, benefit from frequent harvesting. For the most nuanced flavor, pick tomatoes as they ripen. If you have more produce than you can manage, consider giving some to friends and neighbors or your local food pantry.

Finally, remember to look after yourself.

To survive the heat and humidity, work outside during the cooler hours of the day and drink lots of water. In fact, the most significant recommendation we have is to drink a little more water than you think you should to prevent heat stroke or exhaustion. You may also consider putting down a padded cushion to kneel on or bring a small stool if you’ll be doing a lot of weeding. There’s a lot to keep track of, but it’ll all be worth it once you can proudly enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your effort!

If you want to enjoy the literal fruits of your labor in an outdoor kitchen, contact Garden State Soapstone for tile or outdoor kitchen options. Or you can ask us about tiles for your garden walkways!

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June, 2022

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